Deployed as a self-help tool or self-astrology kit, ultimately Horoscorpio plans to create and set up a educational web facility. The main feature for enjoyment is in astrology group networking and users are easily setup especially those using social media. Using the device to monitor Aspects, and registering their thoughts and feelings about the alignments in a note-taking option, users can become astrologers. Additionally to sourcing social media feed, in a web utility, the mobile app uses clever geo-spatial co-ordination to match members of the public into the astrology scheme.
Encouraging people to Tweet each other, add Facebook friends, or meet in Linkedin, Horoscorpio is the bright way to the future. Use of the utility allows citizens or professionals, including elite level sportsman, nurses or policemen to monitor and better work in understanding of the inherent natural electro-magnetic forces on the Earth.
Donations are received in good trust on the basis on these merits. As director of the startup Jason has had the development plan underway since 2011.

Jason Jowett © Copyright 2021


Author & Entrepreneur