Copyright © 2018 Jason Jowett
Jason Jowett founder established the ECNE as a charity organisation ABN: 81 667 860 978. Jason is a intrepid traveler, and alternative health practitioner. Any special request for general service can be attended to at his discretion. Jason can provide Astrological Consulting, Freelance Writing, Graphic Design, Coporate Branding, Website creation and Videography work; upon service negotiation.
Have you read Versistasis? It's his debut novel, describing in detail the social stigmas, and inadequacies associated with astrology, that in respect of philosophy and psychology. In the new Age of Aquarius for the holistic person proper awareness of time-space is a necessity, and it's the proper way to start your computing/online sessions whether for a working day or casually at home.

A intrigue driven time travel mystery, science fiction; the Alchemy Series, by Jason Jowett, dares to take the extra mile. The wonderful plot is inspired by the traditions of the scriptures, and developed holistically with the aboriginal dreamtime cosmology. Great and important characters throughout history are revived, during the heroic dreamscaping adventures and the emancipation of humanity set in place from the humble Earth, to the divine inheritance of the Solar System. A delightful satyr, comedy, romance and tragedy unfold across six novels of which are currently published in paper back, and as ebooks. Author Jason Jowett has achieved the impossible and backed up his original philosophies with a awe inspiring solution to histories greatest troubles.
Book Series Review


Author & Entrepreneur