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As it was due in course to these divergences throughout time, the ever-present civilization of the present were stretched up from each and every individual from a single present moment into a ten thousand years long timeline, as a tree essentially, which abridged the present with the places and times interjecting. When the time-lines were contrived during his days, the insinuating geometries were ever changing and the courses for absolutions varied between the established stars of the night sky, relating to the prime-arch consortiums and of those stars in the sky during the day, invisible as thus enforced established mandates. Still always the versistasis remained integral and whenever new directives were set, counter-ones became locally accessible and anticulars had the mean task of navigating these deliberative means, much like the Seraphim did in their isolated inter- planetary communions.
excerpt from Spectronomy
He noticed it first there from his position and found a force of deep power, one stretching across the entire inter- galactic space, and from each and every one of them between all of them. He followed this force, that he called the Styx, and found that it indeed was a veritable abridgment between all the black holes of all the galaxies. It seemed then, and he disdained not, that the Inverse was, by nature, a recycling mechanism for the Universe, and they were in permanent contact and re-supply of each other in a figure eight formation as such. Yet, if he so fathomed correctly; the black holes were consuming the Universe and feeding the Inverse, which then happened vice-a-versa, except for the substitution of particles upon the event horizon. Then more accurately the Universe exists as a variation in density, proportion and scale of change, as according to spacetime, by gravity.
excerpt from Simbiotica


Author & Entrepreneur